帕特里克FELDMEIER毕业年份: 2020
家乡: 西泉,伊利诺伊州
小学: St. 十字架的约翰
大学: 圣母大学
主要: 金融
实习: Last summer, I interned as an Investment Banking Summer Analyst at JFP Holdings in Beijing, China. While COVID-19 restrictions caused the internship to be virtual, I still had the chance to advise a crypto-based startup on geographic expansion 和 ended up meeting with the management team in New York City. 这个即将到来的夏天, 我将在GTCR的战略增长基金实习, a 芝加哥-based private equity firm where I will research potential investment opportunities within the middle-market space.
职业理想: Investing has been a passion of mine ever since I was a student at Fenwick, 和 Notre Dame has allowed me to pursue this passion through coursework, 股票球, 还有几个案例研究. I aspire to be an investor in either the public or private markets for a career. Hopefully, I can invest alongside my best friend 和 brother,
esball世博成就/活动: 学生会主席, 三年级班长, 全国荣誉学会, 演讲俱乐部比赛国家决赛, 足球, 大学橄榄球队队长, 写作场所导师
对你影响最大的esball世博老师: While many Fenwick teachers have profoundly impacted me over my four year experience,
Mr. Arellano has played an instrumental role in my development as a leader 和 person. 通过我在演讲俱乐部的时间, we spent over an hour every day refining my presentation skills which has aided me in every facet of my life ever since. He is a true Fenwick man who put every ounce of his heart into teaching, 我会永远珍惜和他在一起的时光.
夫人. 埃斯波西托的 AP Physics class was definitely my biggest challenge at Fenwick, but it forced me to develop a never-ending motor which continues to benefit me to this day. Success in her class required deep critical thinking 和 a will to keep learning despite the difficult material. I will never forget sitting at my kitchen table 和 working on that infamous bridge project!
Best Fenwick experience/the one you would like to live again: 我很想体验一下2020届的毕业典礼, which was organized by parents 和 the student council during the COVID-19 p和emic. 我们筹到了大约35美元,并在全州体育馆举办一场现场毕业典礼, which allowed us to be together as a class for the first time since school got canceled in March. This experience serves as a testament to the Fenwick network, 和 is one of the reasons why I am so proud to be a Friar today!
对你影响最大的esball世博经历: 在我大四的秋天, I received permission to design 和 sell a “Fenwick Senior Sweatshirt.” Despite being given only one week to advertise the sweatshirt, 我卖掉了141辆,创造了我大四那年的有形记忆. It makes me proud to see my classmates continue to wear the sweatshirt to this day.